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Monday, June 13, 2011

It all started...

On a sunny late morning; during a weekend while visiting a local animal flea market. Yeah, shopping for an animal at a flea market. How appropriate, huh? Anyway, Donna; my wife and I had stopped there to see what goats were selling for, because at that time we were proud owners of Boar goats and wanted to see what was available and their pricing.

We came across a really cool looking rabbit. It was kind of smallish, but almost as large as what I was used to seeing when I was a kid up in Erie, PA. (My Dad raised a few rabbits back then) We were told that it was a "Mini-Lop". A Mini-Lop is a small rabbit with long droopy ears that nearly drag on the ground. We bought him and instantly fell in love with him. I named him "Mr. Rogers", because the whole house was his and I guess that he figured that it was all his "neighborhood".

The photo above isn't of the Mini-Lop that we got from the Flea Market and isn't an adult, but is a good representation of what one looks like. That one was named "Charley" and was given away as a present. He too; was a great rabbit.

Well, to make a long story shorter; Mr. Rogers was the catalyst of what we have done and are going to be doing with our rabbits in the future. So, check back often and you'll be learning all that we've learned about rabbits with information about such subjects as house training, competition showing them, handling, building cages & hutches and many other subjects.

Thank you for coming by to check out my first edition on my Blog site and reading it.

Mark "Rabbit" Wood

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Mark Rabbit" Wood